Our P&C Association meets three times per semester, please check the latest school newsletter for the next meeting date and location. Everyone is welcome and we appreciate input and suggestions from new families on how we can best assist the educational outcomes of every student at Eumundi School.
The P&C is able to keep fundraising to a minimum due to the income from the market carpark on a Saturday. We also manage the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop.
If you would like any further information about your P&C Association please do not hesitate to contact us via email esspandc@outlook.com.
We hope you enjoy your time at Eumundi State School and we would like to help make it a positive experience for all of your family.
President - Nat Brewster
Vice President - vacant
Secretary/s - vacant
Treasurer - Farida Raines
Telephone: (07) 5472 6333